Connection Settings

Connection Settings

Before you can setup the connection, you have to add a profile. See Manage Profiles for instructions.

After that you can configure the connection to your Jira server. 

  1. Select a profile in the list of profiles.
    Outlook 2010+: Select File > Jira > Connection Settings > Profiles
    Outlook 2007: From the Microsoft Outlook menu, select Jira > Connection Settings > Profiles

    The following dialog will appear:

There is a distinction between two deployment types:

Jira Server and Data Center

Click the green plus symbol () to Add a new profile or use Edit ( ) to modify an existing profile. The following dialog appears:

In the "Connection Settings" dialog, enter the following information:

  • Profile name: The name of the profile. It will be used in the email's context menu and in the pull-down menus wherever you need to select a profile.

  • Jira-URL: URL or IP address of your Jira server

  • Deployment type: Server / Data Center

You have to specify the type of connection protocol with the URL (http or https). Otherwise the connection will fail. Futhermore, we recommend to use a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) instead of hostnames only.

If your Jira installation uses a special port you also need to specify the port number. Append the port number at the end of the URL separated by colon (e.g., https://jira.example.com:8080). Ask your Jira administrator if you are not sure about URL and port number.

There are two options for the authentification:

  1. Classic credentials

    1. Username: Your username on the Jira server.

    2. Password: Your password on the Jira server

    3. You can only use USASCII characters for the username and password, there is an open issue from Atlassian at JRASERVER-59828

  2. Personal Access Tokens, please enable the checkbox “Use Personal Access Token / API Token” for Jira 8.17+

    1. Token: The access token you created within you profile in Jira Server / Data Center

    2. Leave the Username and Password fields blank.


Personal Access Tokens

Although Atlassian introduced Personal Access Tokens in Jira 8.14, they do not work with Outlook Connector for Jira until Jira version 8.17.

In case you want to use Personal Access Tokens with Jira versions previous to 8.17, you can use the App API Token Authentication Jira. Please make sure you keep these two default settings in the App:

  1. The tokes for the user must be Read/Write (default setting)

  2. Session Cookie Based Authentication needs to be enables (default setting)

There are several other API token Apps on the Atlassian Marketplace, which are supposed to work as well. Feel free to give feedback on this.


To test the connection to your Jira server, click Test connection.
If the test is successful the following dialog appears.

Finally, click Save to save the settings.

Jira Cloud

  1. Click the green plus symbol () to Add a new profile or use Edit ( ) to modify an existing connection setting. The following dialog appears:

In the "Connection Settings" dialog, enter the following information:

  • Jira-URL: URL of your Jira Cloud instance, eg. https://<you-company>.atlassian.net

  • E-mail address: Your e-mail address on the Jira Cloud

  • Deployment type: Cloud

  • API Token: Please add an API Token here. Please create an API token here: https://id.atlassian.com/manage/api-tokens.

API Token
The API token only needs to be created once and will be valid until it has been revoked. Further information on https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/Vo71Nw

To test the connection to your Jira Cloud, click Test connection.
If the test is successful the following dialog appears.

Finally, click Save to save the settings.

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