Global Settings

Global Settings

To open the global settings go to the Profile Manager and open the tab Global. The following dialog will appear:


For debugging purposes, there are two options available:

  • Enable Logging. Select this option to write a log file during the use of Outlook Integration for Jira. This log file is stored in the user's profile at %localappdata%/Outlook Connector for Jira/debug.log. To display the log file, click Show log file.

  • Debug mode. Select this option to activate the debug mode of the embedded browser (IE) for the extended "create issue"-dialog. Only use this option if the dialog does not open or is not displayed correctly. Usually you will see an error message of Jira the next time the embedded browser is opened.

Internal Browser


Long version:

You can select the browser, which will be used to render the Create Issue form of Jira.

Use Edge Chromium for best user experience

To use the Edge Chromium rendering engine the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime must be installed. It is avaible for all currently supported Windows platforms: https://developer.microsoft.com/de-de/microsoft-edge/webview2/
The recent version can be installed without elevated privileges / adminstrative rights in the user space. In case a system wide installation of the WebView2 runtime is installed later, i.e. via Windows Update, it will be used automatically.

We recommend to use the Evergreen Bootstrapper, which will be kept up to date via Windows Updates. Microsoft already started the roll it out for Office 365 users via Windows Update in March 2021 and it is already preinistalled in Windows 11.

Since Jira 8.5 the Internet Explorer 11 is not supported anymore. However, Outlook Connector for Jira works up to Jira 8.11 with the rendering engine of the Internet Explorer 11. But we strongly recommend to use Edge Chromium even for Jira 6 and 7.

For Jira Cloud and Jira 8.19+ Edge Chromium is needed. Please make sure the WebView2 Runtime is installed!

  • Automatic (default): The add-in will decide, which rendering engine will be used. This is the default settings of the Add-In. The decision is based on the availability and compatibility:

    • Edge Chromium: Will be used in case the Edge WebView2 Runtime is installed.

    • Internet Explorer 11: Will be used for Jira Server/DC < 7.1.14 on any Windows version AND for any Jira version if the platform is not Windows 2010 or Windows 2019 Server

    • Edge Legacy: Will be used in any other case.

  • Microsoft Edge Chromium: Force to use the rendering engine of Edge Chromium. You need to install the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime available on https://developer.microsoft.com/de-de/microsoft-edge/webview2/ You should select the Evergreen Bootstrapper, which automatically installs the suitable runtime for your operating system. Furthermore it will keep up to date with the Windows Updates. We recommend to use the Edge Chromium for the best user experience as it is officially supported by Atlassian. The runtime can either be installed system-wide with administrative rights or normal rights in the user space.

  • Microsoft Edge Legacy (deprecated): Force to use the rendering engine of Edge Legacy. You might want to enable it, if you not able to install the Edge WebView2 Runtime. To use it your platform needs to Window 10 (Build 1809+) or Server 2019. Windows 7 and 8/8.1 do not support to use Edge Legacy in Outlook, although the browser can be installed on Windows 7 and 8/8.1. However, the Edge Legacy is deprecated and only works for Jira up to version 8.19.

  • Internet Explorer 11 (deprecated): Force to use the rendering engine of the Internet Explorer 11. You might want to enable it, if you not able to install the Edge WebView2 Runtime. It will only work for Jira up to version 8.11. Furthermore, it will not work on Jira Cloud.


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